Temel İlkeleri C# IStructuralEquatable nerelerde kullanılıyor

Temel İlkeleri C# IStructuralEquatable nerelerde kullanılıyor

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That is, you hayat create your own definition of structural equality and specify that this definition be used with a collection type that accepts the IStructuralEquatable interface.

1 How do such comparators relate to things like Dictionary and other collections? I know that Dictionary seems to handle structures sensibly albeit slowly in .

. The best example of this is arrays, which with .Safi 4 now implement the IStructuralEquatable interface. This makes it possible to distinguish whether you are comparing two arrays for reference equality, or for "structural equality" - whether they have the same number of items with the same values in each position. Here's an example:

Equals and object.ReferenceEquals. Equals is meant to be overridden for whatever sort of comparison makes the most sense for a given type, whereas ReferenceEquals gönül't be overridden and always compares by reference.

Birli an example, it might make sense for two different instances of an Employee class to be considered equal if they both represent the same entity in your system.

Structural equality means that two objects are equal because they have equal values. It differs from reference equality, which indicates that two object references are equal because they reference the same physical object. The IStructuralEquatable interface enables you to implement customized comparisons to check for the structural equality of collection objects.

IStructuralEquatable is quite new and unknown, but I read somewhere that it dirilik be used to compare the contents of collections and arrays. Am I wrong, or is my .Safi wrong?

When an implementer overrides the virtual Equals method in a struct, the purpose is to provide a more efficient means of performing the value equality check and optionally to base the comparison on some subset of the struct's field or properties.

Başka bir ifadeyle, kendi yapısal muadele teşhismınızı oluşturabilir ve bu teşhismın arabirimi kabul IStructuralEquatable eden bir koleksiyon türüyle kullanılacağını belirtebilirsiniz. Arabirimin iki üyesi vardır: Equals, belirtilen IEqualityComparer bir uygulamayı kullanarak eşitliği sınav değer ve GetHashCodeeşit olan nesneler için aynı karma kodları döndürür.

When working with collections or structures where the order of elements matters, and you want to compare their structures, IStructuralEquatable emanet be useful.

This member is an explicit interface member implementation. It dirilik be used only when the Array instance is cast to an IStructuralEquatable interface.

IStructuralEquatable is used with arrays to determine whether the arrays are structurally equal. The StructuralEqualityComparer.Equals method is used for this purpose.

Default property. The second time, it passes the default equality comparer that is returned by the StructuralComparisons.StructuralEqualityComparer property. The third time, it passes the custom NanComparer object. Birli the output from the example shows, the first three method calls return true, whereas the fourth call returns false.

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